Do you have a question For our team?

Check out our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers below. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please complete a contact form here and a team member will respond to you as soon as we can. Thank you!

1. What does US BTS ARMY do?

  • Visit our β€˜About Us’ page here for more information.


2. How can I join the US BTS ARMY Team?

  • Click here to view our open positions.

    *NOTE: Please be aware that we are an all-volunteer (non-paid) organization.


3. Where can I find information about BTS' Global OFFICIAL ARMY FANCLUB?

  • Visit our β€˜BTS Global Official Fanclub ARMY Membership’ page here for more information


4. Where can I find BTS' official FANCAFE?

  • Visit our β€˜BTS Fancafe’ page here for more information


5. Where can I get help with Weverse Shop Orders or other related questions?

  • Visit the β€˜Weverse Shop Customer Support’ page here for more information or you can email them directly at

*NOTE: US BTS ARMY is not affiliated with Weverse, Big Hit, or HYBE, therefore we are not able to answer any questions or resolve any issues related to Weverse or Weverse Shop.


6. Where can I purchase an official ARMY Bomb Lightstick?

  • All official BTS merchandise can be found on the β€˜Weverse Shop’ website here. If the ARMY Bomb lightstick is sold out, please check back. If you choose to purchase the lightstick from a third-party seller, you may do so at your own risk.


7. Can I send mail to BTS?

  • As of March 30, 2018, BTS members will no longer accept fan-sent gifts of any kind. All fan-sent gifts received by HYBE or Big Hit will be discarded. Click here to view the announcement.

  • Visit our β€˜Fanmail’ page here for more information on how to send a letter to BTS.