RM Named One Of The '2020 Art Patrons Of The Year' by the Arts Council Korea

Date: December 21, 2020

RM visiting BTS, Connect in New York (20200221)

Photo cr. Dispatch

On December 21, the Arts Council Korea named RM as one of the ten '2020 Art Patrons of the Year.' The award recognizes those who have helped promote and support the local arts scene. RM was recognized for his support for the arts through his 100 million won donation to the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in September. The donation was used to produce out-of-print art books and distribute them to 400 libraries and schools across the country.

RM 's love for art is spreading good influence by expanding BTS fans' interest in basic art.

β€” Naver (translations by Google Translate)

2020US BTS ARMYrm, art patron